Circut Genius Phase 1: Research Research Research!

This week I spent a few hours researching what kind of projects that I could attempt to make with my Cricut. I began by searching through pinterest and found that there is an endless amount of potential with the Cricut machine and that many people are able to succesfully make and sell projects. In fact, I was almost overwhlemed by the endless options and posts such as the following which listed dozens and dozens of possible projects...
I knew that with my busy schedule, I can't tackle and perfect a million different projects. Instead, I need to narrow down to a few options which I can perfect enough to potentially sell. I have used my Cricut machine before for personal projects so I began narrowing down my options to projects that I could complete by gaining new skills on top of the knowledge I already have from previous projects. To help narrow down my options, I began searching for YouTube videos that showed the process of making some of the projects I was interested in...
These are just some of the dozens of videos I watched and found were extremely helpful, although I did get sucked down the YouTube hole and ended up watching far too many videos. However, I felt that I had found a few ideas that seemed manageable and sellable! I also scrolled through ETSY and talked to a couple friends about products that they may personally be interested in to ensure that these ideas seemed sellable to people other than myself! So, this week I learned that there is an endless amount of projects to choose from and a vast amount of tutorials to help me get there. The only real trouble I had was trying to narrow down some options! Next, I will need to begin researching what supplies I will need to purchase. Luckily, I had already purchased some supplies prior to the Stay At Home order but I will likely need to do some online ordering and curbside pick ups in the coming weeks! It will definitely be a challenge getting all the supplies I need with many stores closed due to COVID-19. I can't wait to get creating!


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